Ham Glaze

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Now, this cranberry sauce is not the glaze. The glaze is the tastiness you baste on the ham while it’s cooking. I like the bright flavors of this glaze to lighten up the heaviness of ham. Now the cranberry sauce- I know it’s not a traditional topping on ham, but I just love it! Give it a try and tell me what you think. (Click here for cranberry sauce with orange recipe.)

Ham Glaze


1 1/2 cups brown sugar

1/2 cup orange juice (I use freshly squeezed)

2 TBSP apple cider vinegar

1 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp ground mustard

1/2 tsp orange zest

Combine all the ingredients together. Baste the outside of the ham. Bake according to cooking instructions (size of ham, bone in or boneless, etc). Use remaining glaze for basting again at the end of baking the ham. You can also use it as dipping sauce, just pop it on the stove in a sauce pan until the sugar is dissolved.

The cut of ham we normally get is the “butt half ham”. It has a bone, and we usually get the Cook’s brand.

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