How to NOT make caramel apples!! Whoops!!

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My candy thermometer shattered, so we picked up the only thing we could find at Walmart- a meat thermometer. I'm not sure if it was the fact that it was a meat thermometer, or maybe a faulty device, but our caramel was definitely not heated up to temperature! Our friends thought they were going to be getting a great demo on how to make the caramel apples I posted Monday. (Click here for that post and recipe.) It turns out they got a lesson on how not to make them instead. Whoops!!

 Luckily, the taste was still amazing, and even though we kept trying to rescue the sloppy golden deliciousness back onto the slippery apples, we finally gave in and just piled the toppings over the whole sheet.

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The chocolate kind of held the candy in place... ha ha ha!!

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But does it really matter if things turn out Pinterest perfect? Not when you have forgiving company, and a great time creating!!

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So thank you friends, for learning along side us, and loving us despite our disasters!!

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These smiles here make the effort all worth it.

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Hillary HessComment