50 Summer Bucket List Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy!

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Summer is nearly here!! Planning for our summer family fun is something I look forward to all year. Don’t be fooled, we usually only get through a fraction of it, but it’s really fun to have options plugged into our calendar in case we’re in the mood for those particular activities.

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Another really important part of our family summer experience, is planning down time or quiet time each day. In our family we set up stations while the little ones are napping for my older kids. The stations have different quiet activities set up that they rotate through individually every 30 minutes or so. This has been a life saver to be able to pull out of mom mode for some quiet working time for myself. Plus, when we are all around each other all day long, we all need a little break from the madness to be by ourselves, right?? More about the activities we do, and how it works in our mini podcast about Time Management & Productivity for the Summer. That’s also a great one to listen to for more Summer Bucket List ideas. This podcast with Stefani Bellows, is also a great one to listen to for surviving summer with a bunch of kids at home.

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What are some of your favorite things to do in the summer? Are you a planner, or do you like to go with the flow?

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